Las Vegas trip with the guys. We spent 3 days in Vegas watching all the drags we could watch. It was nice because no one was sitting next to me asking when it was going to be over. For anyone who thinks that this fits into the Red Neck category, you are right. The people are weird, and I felt bad for my Dad and his innocense. I don't think his eyes have ever beheld some of the white trash activities we got to see. We (my brothers and I just had to laugh). It was a good time, and I think we will make it an annual trip. Anyone interested for next year let me know. As you can see we were nice and cozy. Thank goodness I made Jerry and Jesse have a shower.
This is the Top Fuel Dragster class. The Fram car (Cory Mclenathan) ended up winning the whole thing.
For any of the Ladies that think drag racing is not for you, this is Ashley Force who is a woman (white car) racing her dad John Force (green car). Needless to say she almost won the whole thing. This would have been her first victory in her career. She ended up barely losing in the final race in the Nitro Funny Car Class.
I do want to say one thing. TV DOES NOT do these guys justice. Imagin 0-330mph in just over 4 seconds. These cars are pushing upwards of 8000 horsepower. I bet that'll beat your minivan.
Friday, April 25, 2008
Viva Las Vegas
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2:24 PM
Friday, April 11, 2008
Spiderman....and his Birthday Bash!
Here are some pictures of last weeks fun filled weekend!
Gavyn, AKA Spiderman had a heck of a birthday last weekend from the party, cake, pinatas, endless gifts, and great company. He still thinks that it is his special birthday... even a week later! That could be our fault since we had a 3 day celebration. The party didn't end there,... some good friends from Rexburg called us and invited us to meet them for swimming, an overnight stay at the hotel and MONSTER TRUCKS in Pocatello. Of course, Jayson could not turn them down, so we spent the weekend in ID. The kids loved the MONSTER TRUCKS, and of course the swimming! It was a fun break for us, and so fun to visit with our good friends Gabe and Amy B., and their cute little family. We go way back to MN. It is so fun to be so close now.
I managed to squeeze in a couple photo classes from the Great Photographer Jon Williams before we headed up to ID. It is a fun new hobby. These are a few of the models that I had the opportunity to photograph. They were great and very beautiful! They hold real still and do exactly what you ask, unlike my usual models....(my kids!)
Jayson is gone for the weekend to sunny LAS VEGAS.... another guy trip to the NHRA Drag Races. I am sure he is in HEAVEN! We miss him! It is ironic, and mind boggling that, the same weekend he is out of town I get offered to go with the gals to Park City overnight and shopping. Go figure! Oh well, I am sure I'll get my turn soon enough!
Posted by
9:31 PM
Thursday, April 3, 2008
This one is for you GAVYN....... HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!! April 4th, 2005
I can't believe my BABY BOY is turning 3 tomorrow. He is such a cutie and we are so blessed to have him with us.He was a hard baby to get here with the appendix surgery, diabetes shots, stress tests, and the c-section, but he is more than worth it. WHAT A BLESSING HE WAS! We cherish each laugh, smile, cry, and hug he has shared with us these last 3 years, and we look forward to many more. WE LOVE HIM!!!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!! BIG BOY!
Posted by
9:26 AM
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Jayson is home from the DUNES!
Jayson is home form his GUY trip to the sand dunes. Thank Goodness!!! So I will share my secret confession..... that I am not as supportive as I could be when it comes to him and four wheeling. It truly scares me to death that someone will get hurt.... like him or the kids. The sand dunes especially scare me, with there own personal Life Flight that is there each day. He is always trying so hard to get me to like, or show the least bit of interest for his love and passion of 4 wheeling. I have to admit I have zero interest. He has offered to buy me any wheeler, just for me to go with him. I think he is desperate for me to like it. I keep telling him I don't need or want anymore in the garage, plus it scares me. He goes to some crazy places!!! He may just have to keep brain washing Baylee and Gavyn to love 4 wheeling, because I don't know if it will happen for me. I do have to say that the kids love is so cute to see them have so much fun riding and spending time together with DAD. He keeps telling me some of his fondest memories as a child were 4wheeling. He is trying to build those same memories with his kids.
Back to the confession, I tend to turn in to an ornery BEAST each time he leaves for a 4 wheeling trip. I miss him so much for starters, they are major money pits(the truck, the trailer, the jets,you know all that stuff), I am a little on the jealous side....that he gets to go have fun with out me, and last, but not least...I become a nervous wreck when I can't get a hold of him and my mind starts to wander and I fear the worst. I pray each time he makes it home in one piece, because I couldn't stand it if something ever happened.
I have decided to try to be a little more supportive of his hobby and hope to be a better wife at letting him go and have some fun. He definitely deserves it! He works so hard, and I know he needs fun and breaks from life too!!!!! Just not EVERY weekend. I am going to give it another shot at learning to like the sport, he is already planning some family 4 wheeling trips with other friends. Lets hope I can like it for his sake.... (his dream is a wife that loves to 4 wheel)!
Any way, to make a long story short, He blew me off my feet this weekend with a new car as a surprise while he was gone. I cried in excitement, and because of thoughts that he would do that for me. All I could think about was how I wished he were there to share in my excitement. He thought it would be more exciting that way. Needless to say I felt super guilty for being a beast about the 4 wheeling trip. He is such a special guy and I love him so much. I definitely think he deserves a few good moments and enjoyment, doing what he loves best. I am sure he will get more kitchen passes (in his words), as long as he promises me he will be extra careful and will come back safe and sound. What a special guy! I absolutely love him to pieces, and THANK him for all the little things he does for me, and our little family. I couldn't ask for any better than him. He means the world to me and I would be lost with out him. I am glad you have so much fun four wheeling!!!!!
Him unloading the trailer from the trip.
The Sand Dunes...... This may be Sand Mountain. The big one that I keep hearing about. Maybe not, but it looks Scary to me!!!!!!
The latest purchase. This one we will just call #5. I think this is the one that he let his brother ride. They all had fun, but were extremely sore and tired the next day.
ALL in all I think he had a great time. It amazes me how excited he gets over sports, and his dang four wheelers!!!!!
Posted by
8:03 AM